Basic 05 - Men

A plan with extra protein, to support men with a larger muscle mass

- 1 x Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake + (10 flavours available)
- 1 x Protein Drink Mix (PDM)

- 1 x Formula 2 Multivitamin (men's formula)
- 1 x Personalised Protein Powder (PPP)

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Core Nutrition Programme + Protein (For Men)

A programme with extra protein, to support men with a larger muscle mass

"Does a ‘one size fits all’ model for protein make sense? Calorie needs differ from person to person, so why not protein? After all, people come in all different sizes, and their body composition is highly variable. It stands to reason that protein needs could vary a lot, too."

- Susan Bowerman. M.S., RD, CSSD, CSOWM, FAND – Sr. Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training, Herbalife Nutrition.

The Core Nutrition Programme + Protein, is therefore specifically tailored to men is as follows:

1 x Herbalife Nutrition Formula 1 shake + (10 flavours available)
1 x Protein Drink Mix (PDM).
1 x Formula 2 Multivitamin (men's formula)
1 x Personalised Protein Powder (PPP)

Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder: Advantages

Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder is a rich source of soy and whey protein, which can help build lean body mass and maintain healthy bones.

Each 6g serving adds 5g of high quality protein to your base shake, with the addition of only 97 calories and 0.1g of saturated fat - this is a very clean source of extra protein for your diet.

How much Protein should men have in their diet? *

Men are generally larger than women and typically have a higher muscle mass, so it follows that they would benefit from consuming extra lean protein while losing weight to maintain their lean body mass.

The suggested amount that you should eat every day depends, in part, on how much lean mass you have. Ideally, you’d get a body composition measurement done, which would tell you how much lean body mass you have.

If you are local to us, we have Tanita Body Composition Monitor Scale (below) and we can measure your lean body mass using this:

The Tanita Body Composition Monitor Scale measures your lean body mass.

Then we can easily determine the amount of protein suggested for you.

That would be 0.5-1.0 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (or, about 1-2 grams of protein per kilogram of lean body mass).

If you are not local to us, we can estimate your protein needs based on your current body weight. It’s not a perfect method. It doesn’t take into account how much muscle mass you have, but it does at least account for differences in body size.

Here’s how to calculate your protein needs:

– Pounds: Multiply your body weight by 0.7
– Kilograms: Multiply your body weight by 1.5

The number you get is a reasonable target for the amount of protein, in grams, that you should eat each day.

So, a woman who weighs 140lbs (64kg) should aim for about 100g of protein a day. A 220lb man (110kg) should shoot for at least 150g of protein.

* Information from: Susan Bowerman. M.S., RD, CSSD, CSOWM, FAND – Sr. Director, Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training, Herbalife Nutrition.

Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder: Servings

There are 40 servings per can of Herbalife Formula 3 Protein Powder, so you can add an extra it follows that if you are:

  • Replacing your breakfast & adding 1 scoop of PPP, the PPP will last 40 days or
  • Replacing 2 meals per day, as part of the 5 Small Meal Weight Loss Plan, this programme will last for 20 days.

Formula 3 Personalised Protein Powder Intro Video:

Click to read our main article: How to lose weight -with Herbalife Nutrition